Contemplations on the Resurrection – HH Pope Shenouda III

March 31, 2017
Vol. 001, Issue 016
April 2, 2017
March 31, 2017
Vol. 001, Issue 016
April 2, 2017

Contemplations on the Resurrection – HH Pope Shenouda III

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Contemplations on the Resurrection – HH Pope Shenouda III




This is the first book I publish about The Resurrection. But I have published many articles about the resurrection in the Preaching magazine and in the daily newspapers.

Moreover, every year, on Easter Eve, we used to deliver a sermon about that subject in the Great Cathedral.

It was necessary to collect all these articles and sermons for this book, so we could publish it.

This book is comprised of two principal elements: 

  1. General – theoretical theology talks on the resurrection.

This is an ideological trend which falls under the limits of theoretical theology or the philosophy of the resurrection written in a good style which suits all denominations.

It, also, explains how resurrection was an essential necessity; how it was potential and the uses and benefits gained from it both spiritually and generally. 

  1. Topics concerning the resurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ; glory be to Him.

It comprises the events of the resurrection and explains its power and its effects; how Jesus’ resurrection surpasses other resurrections; the blessedness of this resurrection and its effects

on your life; the joys caused by it and the proofs and confirmation of its authenticity. 

  1. Questions related to the resurrection.

A question about the glorified body; a question about the words of the Lord to Mary Magdalene “Do not hold on to me. “; two other questions about Saint Peter, the apostle and a question

about the circumstances of the resurrection and to what extent its events agree with each other.

This last question needs a separate and complete article which will be delivered on another occasion; God willing.

Now, it suffices to wish you a happy Easter and good returns.

 Pope Shenouda III

April, 1990